Kern County, CA
Parks MenuVeterans, Seniors, Community, and Recreation Building Reservations
General Information
- A reservation application and non-refundable application fee must be received by the Parks and Recreation office in order to confirm a reservation.
- Reservations for holidays and after-hours use are subject to review and approval by the Parks reservation staff.
- For information regarding the fees, insurance, and security services that might be required when reserving a building, please view the Building Fees, Deposits & Insurance page.
- View list of Veterans, Seniors, Community, and Recreation Buildings
Reservation Information
Reservations are handled in a two-stage process:
Stage 1 - "Advance Sign-up" Period:
Every year in September, the department will send out Advance Reservation Letters and Applications to Veteran’s Groups and Senior Groups to give these groups priority in reserving those buildings designated for their groups. Reservations can only be made for the following calendar year, and the deadline to return the advance reservation applications is November 1. If you are part of a qualifying group and have not received this information by the end of September, contact the Parks Division Office.
Stage 2 - "Regular Sign-up" Period:
Beginning on December 1, all other groups can request to reserve buildings on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations can only be made for the following calendar year, and a minimum of 30 days advance notice is necessary for most reservations. To make a reservation:
- Option 1: Fill out the online reservation form
- Option 2: Call or visit the main Parks Division Office
Please enjoy your visit and thank you for caring for these valued public facilities.
Further information or clarification regarding the rules for use of County facilities may be obtained by contacting the Parks and Recreation Division.